Artwork Submission

Use the form below to upload your artwork. Be sure to give your file a unique name. For instance, if your company
name is "Unique Herbal Blends", call the file something like ""

Submitted files must be "ai" or "psd" format, with a maximum file size of 15360 kb per file
For larger files, please speak with your sales rep for instructions on how to submit your artwork.
If you have not read our Graphic Submission Guidelines, please do so before submitting artwork.

Custom Print Artwork Submission
Allowed Types: ai, psd
Max size per file: 15360 kb.
Max size for all files combined: 30720 kb.
Select File:
Select File:

Please be sure you have spoken with a sales rep before submitting art and after your submission,
be sure to contact your sales rep to let him/her know you have uploaded your artwork. Thank you for your cooperation.